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Most people have an approximate gauge of what their property is worth, or what the property they are buying is worth.  Sometimes this estimate can be over-inflated, or conversely, the property’s value may have changed due to market influences.

Placing a realistic and true value on a property is more complex than simply estimating an appraised value.  It is critical to enlist the expertise of an independent, licensed valuer who can interpret today’s market activity, analyse sales data and provide you with an unbiased value for your property. In essence, our services have saved our clients thousands of dollars.

Property Valuation Services

For the Buyer

Our research shows that when purchasing property, the greatest fear for buyers is:

“Am I paying too much for the property?“

As purchasing a property is often based on emotion, sometimes just having someone with the expertise standing alongside to guide you, can give you peace of mind.

When it comes to helping people make smart decisions on property, we do it daily.

For the Seller

An astute purchaser knows when a property is overpriced and will therefore decline to act.  If you don’t price your property correctly and in line with today’s market values, you could stand to lose financially.

Every property sells at the right price, but getting it wrong can cost you thousands and take longer than necessary to enact a sale.  Our intimate knowledge of market trends and current values will give you the confidence to understand your property’s real value and achieve the best possible outcome for you.

Value-added reports are provided for:

  • Pre-purchase
  • Pre-sale
  • Taxation/capital gains
  • Family law settlement
  • Partnership settlement
  • Transfer duty
  • Deceased estate
  • Superannuation asset valuations
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